-Welcome to my World of Fantasy-
A.J. Torres
My 4 Star Reads
Here is where I will place book reviews that have 4 stars. These books, although enjoyed with characters, story, and/or worlds I loved, there is still something about them that just didn't hit as hard as I hoped, but still good reads. I hope you will like these as much as I do.
You can find my other reviews on my GoodReads account.
The Savior's Champion is a New Adult/Adult Dark Fantasy/Romance novel book 1.
Ok, before I start this review, I have to say that there were quite a bit of questions left unanswered by the end, mainly from the love interest known as Leila, but because the 2nd novel in the series is the companion novel completely set in her perspective, I will try and focus this book solely on the views of the main character Tobias. Here we go.
I give this book 4 stars. The book is dark, thrilling, and a change of pace for me, BUT! But, but, but, if you are looking for a fantasy novel with an expansive world and magic system, then sadly this isn't for you, however, if you are looking for a simple fantasy story that is thrilling, gory, with a heartwarming romance, then please give this book a try. I highly enjoyed The Savior's Champion and definitely look forward to the companion novel, The Savior's Sisters. Plus, I will also recommend the audiobook version if you're more of a listener than a reader. If you want a test run of the book you can read the first 3ch on the author's website, go check it out to see if it's right up your alley.
I received a free eBook for subscribing to the author's Newsletter.
I also have a physical copy now.
The Wolf Gate is a Young Adult/New Adult Portal Fantasy/Romance novella, book 0.5 in The Fairy Tale Romance series.
Definitely an enjoyable read that I will recommend anyone who wants a light, fast read that is heavy with the romance. Audrey is a great character to follow, very relatable too, and Gavin is a fun character to have around for Audrey to bounce off of. The world was whimsical and many side characters are fascinating and I think engaging. Although this is the second story the author wrote and not the first, it made me want to read The Rose Gate that much more. I don't know about you guys, but because of all the crazy 2020 is hitting us, I think we deserve a light fluffy read every once in awhile.
I received a free eBook for subscribing to the author's Newsletter. I have a physical copy now.
The Lily Gate is a Young Adult/New Adult Portal Fantasy/Romance novella, book 1.5 in The Fairy Tale Romance series.
This was so fun to read, and STUPIDLY cute too. Although yes, it's pretty short, I would consider TLG a satisfying read. I wasn't confused, the story didn't feel rushed, I loved the characters, and I really enjoyed this story. I would say if you are looking for a quick yet fun read, then please pick up The Lily Gate, unless you are like me who like to buy physical copies of a book, then follow the author either on her Instagram account or her newsletter for more news. I'm not kidding when I say a physical copy is coming VERY soon(The physical copy is a actually available now).
Imber is book 1 in the Thanatos Trilogy and is a YoungAdult/New Adult High/Epic Fantasy novel.
Although the story was a little slower paced than what I was expecting, it did pick up for me and I was thrilled from that point to the end of the book. I also loved the main core of characters and would love to live in this world. I'm not kidding, how can I get to Araenna lol. Oh! Before I forget, even though I say New Adult, the content within is about as on par as a Young Adult book, but follows characters over the age of 19 years old. So in my opinion, this book is perfect for New Adult readers that want to read somewhat softer/light content that follows characters their age and that doesn't at all dive into any of that older/adult explicity. Anyway, with how the book ended, I'm looking forward to finding out what's going to happen to Natylia after unfortunately disobeying her council by leaving the castle after what just happened to her and her family. The last thing I want is for the people to win and get her removed, and I SO don't want her to have to experience any extreme punishment, not to mention she needs to find the keys to make it so that the Titans never awaken. I have so much to worry about and I can't wait to read what happens next!
I received a free eBook in exchange for an honest review.
Alter Ego is a Adult Science Fiction/Superhero novel, book 1 in the series.
Hmmm, based on my scoring so far, I think I'm happy to say 4 stars is good for me. It's either that or 3.5, but because halfsies are a no no, I might as well say 4. The story was entertaining and engaging sometimes, and I did like the characters, plus Alter Ego totally gave me a MCU meets Mission Impossible vibe. The story was fun, exciting, and thrilling when it came down to it. I say if you like things like the MCU and Mission Impossible movies, I say give this book a try. I'm sure you'll have fun, especially if you're in the mood for more superhero stories mixed with some thrilling espionage.
Fae Hunter is a Young Adult/New Adult Fantasy novel Book 1.
I very much like Alastru(Allie), but I don't care for the people of Skundtown. Her, mother is such a caring and loving mother who is also forced to deal with a town turning on her as well because of what's happening. Allie and her mother don't deserve the s*** the people keep blaming them for, but I guess living in a medieval like time period where people only like you enough so long as things go right and you play the part THEY prefer you to play only to quickly turn on you once things go bad. It's frustrating and annoying, but Alastru actually makes me bare it with how clever and quick witted she is. Not to mention, her banter with her fae prisoner was pretty good. They were interesting and made me chuckle a few times lol. The series is complete at 5 books long and I recommend this book if you want a female protagonist who is strong, or strong willed as I should say, clever, and quick witted while also having such patience to deal with a ungrateful, cowardly village, but is also a teenage girl who also gets bothered when such hateful words actually hurt and "friends" who easily abandoned her once things get tough. I like that, Alastru can be strong, but she's also human. I think other readers will enjoy following her story so far. Also, I very much recommend just collecting the series as a whole, because that cliffhanger SUCKS! Lol.
The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm is a Young Adult/New Adult High/Epic Fantasy novel Afterward Book Volume 1.
All in all, this was a great read and a wonderful way to come back to this world, even if it was only briefly. I enjoyed reading up on how Eragon, Murtagh, and Angela are doing, and I'm SURE there is more to come as each of their stories ended with a mystery that has yet been solved. Plus, this is only Volume one! And the author announced a Murtagh book coming soon! I so can't wait!
Falling Kingdoms is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 1.
All in all I give this book 4 stars because of the characters. Out of the 3 MC I only cared for 1 and to me that's bad. I am still intrigued by the world so I hope to learn more of the magic in the later books. I also look forward to where the story is going. If you aren't a fan of cliff hangers then I'm afraid you may have to skip this one because it ends in one. As for first time readers looking to read fantasy, I will say this, give it a shot if you are capable of handling characters death and horrendous characters that don't care how others feel or think about them.
The Duality of Nature is a YoungAdult/New Adult High/Epic Fantasy novel book 1.
I won this book in a giveaway.
All in all, I enjoyed this book and the characters in it. There were some slow moments, and there were even fewer moments that did make me cringe a little, but I very much can't wait to get my hands on the next book. I gotsta know what will happen to Tallis and my boy Tomas! And the others too, but mostly Tomas lol.
World War Z is a Adult Horror/Zombie stand alone novel.
I give this book 4.5 stars. I really liked this book. It was a wonderful change to all the zombie stories that are being pumped out almost on a monthly basis in all forms of media lol. I will highly recommend this book to those who want to read a zombie book that is different, like, very different. This book was a great and fascinating read and I firmly believe, after reading this, that WWZ should have been adapted into a TV series or mini series, not a movie.
The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring is an Adult High/Epic Fantasy novel, book 1 in the series.
No way am I giving this book 3 stars, but I can't give it 5 stars either. I think 4 stars works just fine for me. The characters are good, the world lore is ... a lot to take in lol, and the adventure story is fun and exciting. Would I recommend this book to first time fantasy readers ... Maybe? I would warn about the info dumps and lengthy exposition dialogues that happen throughout the book, but I would also suggest to keep an open mind about this book as it did inspire many fantasy writers today and still does actually. So, I would say, give it a shot, it won't hurt to try it at least once.
The Novice is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 1.
The only reason this book is 4 stars instead of 3 is because of Fletcher. I'm not kidding. I really do love this character. I'm always rooting for him even though there really isn't a need for one lol. I've already read all three books so I know the world building doesn't get better and the story remains predictable but for this book, 4 stars remains.
Nevernight is a New Adult/Adult Dark Fantasy novel book 1.
There is a controversy involving this author. Please keep that in mind if you wish to pursue reading this trilogy.
I reserved the right to change my mind. Although originally 5 stars, as I stated previously that I started to reeeeeally think about this book and its contents that I actually felt VERY differently about this book. I did enjoy Mia and her companions in this book, but I did not care for reading the explicit sex scenes between her and another teenager. The story was very thrilling and gripping, but I thought her last trial choice made no sense for her character. Lastly, although I found the world building informative and imaginative, the footnotes got REALLY annoying very fast. However, that being said, I look forward to the next book in this most likely tragic trilogy. I want to know how Mia's story is going to end.
Reactive is a Young Adult/New Adult Dystopian/Romance novel book 1.
All in all, I give this 4 stars. I like the characters and the story, I just want answers and Lune to be a better person in the next book, I think I really need her to be. There is also something else I left out in the story category, but that is because I wasn't sure if it should go in there. I think, like with the animals, that humans are also evolving with powers? Why? How? That is purposely left a mystery I'm sure. To know what I mean, just pick up the book. I'm sure we aren't meant to know until a later book, probably(hopefully) the 2nd one I'm assuming. I look forward to finding out that part. Also, this is probably the cleanest dystopian story I have ever read. Yes there is blood in this book, but it isn't gory, and the closest we ever get to cursing is Lune replacing every curse word with the word “stars”. I think that is weird but cute lol. Well, although the main character is 18 years old, I think teenagers will have fun reading this book and enjoy it. I suggest picking this up and giving it a try, especially if you are a fan of The Hunger Games.
I received an eARC in exchange for an honest review.
Resurrection Road is a Adult Paranormal/Urban Fantasy book 1 in the Echo Trails series.
Originally I was a beta for this story, but I came in at the last round. From then to this final version there were some changes made, but overall, I still enjoyed it now as I did then. I give this book 4 stars because it was fun and I enjoyed following these characters and their amazing hellhound Hades. I was also just so drawn to this version of our world that I very much wish was real lol. I know this story was written after the show Supernatural was ending, so if you're a fan of the show, or even just like the show, or know absolutely nothing about it and just like stories of alternate versions of Earth, then give this story a shot! I promise you'll have fun going on this fun wild story with Eden, Laz, and Zeke.